Friday, March 11, 2005


First off, I apologize for the delay; this blog was created with the expectation that the designated writer would contribute rigorous, relevant, and regular posts. The blog's creator and editor (me) had given the recalcitrant writer plenty of time to come up with a new entry - promised to be on Kyoto and the limits the Constitution places on the federal government. Alas, there is no new entry and this blog languishes like Toni Basil, Tommy Tutone, or Dexy's Midnight Runners, full of promise but only able to come through one time.

I hope to change this by getting some things off my chest concerning popular misonceptions that bother me every time I hear them.

Note: Let's give credit where credit is due. The post on the Filibuster was prophetic - see Sen. Byrd's recent controversial speech. A speech that the wacky right blew up as equating Bush with Hitler, a tactic known as "You are saying something that I do not want to fully acknowledge - HEY, WHEN YOU MOVED YOUR HAND IT LOOKED LIKE YOU GAVE ME THE FINGER - HEY EVERYBODY, COME LOOK AT THIS PERSON WHO GAVE ME THE FINGER!". Avoidance and deflection, brilliant. Of course, one should also take Byrd's speech with a critical eye; one can only wonder if he would have given this speech if his party was curently king of the hill.

Full text of Senator Byrd's speech

For the curious, here is info on Byrd's KKK Konnection.